On 02/09/2006, at 6:41 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

Further, ID has very little to do with belief that G-d created the

...apart from all the major ID spokespeople have said at various times that the designer is God, and a number of them are YECs who were convinced that pretending that there's a scientific way to discern the existence of God was the best way to further the creationist and dominionist agenda. ID has *everything* to do with belief that God created the universe.

I, as many Jews, believe that G-d created..evoloution, and
set in chain the process which lead to Man.

This here is theistic evolution, not ID. Theistic evolution is indistinguishable from secular evolution at the level of science. It's only a matter of whether one is a believer in God or gods or not, not whether one thinks evolution happened or not.

Conflict? WHAT conflict?

The conflict is between people who think science should be science and religion should be religion, and if you're religious you can understand God's universe by studying it, and those who think that studying it is anathema because we already know all the answers through revelation.



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