On 21/09/2006, at 12:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not sure things are so simple in differentiating fact from theory. The facts of evolution are that there is change over time in the type and nature
of  living things.

That's the "fact" part of evolution, yep.

  This implies that evolution occurs. Is this  a fact or  a
theory. The similarity between organisms in a region and between current and
past organisms also implies evolution. Is this data fact or  theory?

The similarity is a fact. The progression is a fact. The analysis that therefore all creatures are descended from common ancestors is very close to certain. I'd call fact, because there has been no other explanation that stands up to scrutiny. How it happened this way, that's theory. I note that you introduced "data". Yes, on the simplest level data is facts and analysis is theory, but as you say:
" The relationship  between
fact and theory (or maybe data and hypothesis) is dynamic and not easily

Yep. There are some conclusions that are facts, and some data that is questionable or uncertain. As in all of science, there's no one answer to method and nomenclature that works all the time.

But with 9/11, autism/vaccine crankery, creationism, alternative medicine, perpetual motion and so on, we're seeing groups that either corrupt this relationship and the nature of science, or just ignore or dismiss it entirely.


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