On 10/17/06, Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 18/10/2006, at 2:31 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> (Printed in the local paper this morning.  I found it on-line at
> Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Global warming... just a theory...

I've read that Mars and Jupiter are also warming, and that it has something
to do with the output of the sun.  Is that true?  If so, then why should we
suppose that human activity is responsible for global warming here on
earth?  I mean, we aren't responsible for the global warming that is
happening on Mars and Jupiter are we?  If the globe warms up, just move
further north.  If the seas rise, just live farther away from the coast.
Isn't that what people did the last time the globe warmed up as it did at
the end of the last ice age?  Sure some currently productive agricultural
areas will no longer be as well suited for agriculture as they are now.  But
as the globe warms up, won't areas that are not productive now because the
weather is too cool become more productive?  It ought to balance out
shouldn't it.   Somehow agonizing over global warming reminds me of a fairy
tale I once read in which the king had his courtiers take his throne down to
the edge of the sea at low tide.  As the tide came in he commanded the water
to stay back and not wet his feet as he sat upon the throne.  Guess what?
The tide came in anyway completely oblivious to the king's law, and this was
supposed to show his sycophantic followers how silly they were to keep
flattering him about how much power he had.

John W. Redelfs                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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