On 06/01/2007, at 7:25 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

>> *cough* Something like that... I find your schtick a bit tiresome,
>> but not as tiresome as seeing the same couple of people on the same
>> couple of lists rise to the same bait every time.
> Shrug, you expect me NOT to criticise a fanatic? Regardless of what
> rubbish he peddles, and the vile he spews? Hatred and intolerance are
> the enemy in that situation, Charlie.

No, I expect you to realise he's baiting you and either ignore him  
when he's doing it or point out his fallacies without blowing up. Of  
course I expect people to stand up against hatred, but there's a big  
difference between someone inciting violence in the real world and  
someone being offensive on purpose to wind people up.

>> Organised religion is a subset of the groups that are susceptible to
>> subversion by the immoral, and especially in the case of Christianity
> For starters, morals are derived from religious principles in the
> first place. (Ethics, now...) See: the religous moral tales.

What is the difference in practical terms between morals and ethics?  
Morals and ethics are bound up in sociality, and predate *humanity*  
in all likelihood, let alone religion. Morals *inform* religious  
principles. Religions don't pull morals out of thin air, they're  
manifestations of our need to have a reason for doing things that way.

> Moreover, ANY organised ideology is vulnrable, to single out religion
> is completely wrong, and pandering to press hysteria.

Isn't that what I just said? "organised religion is a *subset*..."

> And yes, many ideologies are altruistic, Charlie. Putting others in
> front of *some* of your own desires is...not allways a bad thing.

What's that actually got to do with what we're talking about?  
Altruism is widespread and totally independent of religion. If you're  
going to try to argue that the irreligious lose their moral centre,  
I'm going to have to introduce you to a few more atheists (like, um,  
most of Sweden)...


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