At 08:08 PM Friday 6/8/2007, William T Goodall wrote:

>On 9 Jun 2007, at 00:48, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
> > Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> >>
> >>> <even more cynical>
> >>> How lucky you are. Here in Brazil, politicians don't cater to the
> >>> needs neither of the poor not the wealthy, they only cater
> >>> to the needs of themselves :-/
> >>> </even more cynical>
> >>
> >> And from which of those two economic groups do the politicians come?
> >>
> > Surprisingly, most of them come from the poor classes. None of them
> > _remain_ poor.
> >
> > But Darwin rulez even in politics: most of those former-poor-now-rich
> > politicians have so many bastard children that they will dissipate
> > their
> > fortunes. The sad thing is that, even though this selects for
> > intelligence,
> > beauty and sexual promiscuity among females, it selects for thiefdom,
> > stupidy and carelessness among males.
>Is this an argument for arranged marriages and harsh penalties for
>Reproductive Strategies Maru

It's a much better argument for mandatory retroactive abortion of 
politicians . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


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