On Aug 1, 2007, at 11:54 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

> On 31 Jul 2007 at 20:17, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
>> Just a couple quibbles.
>> There are in fact stacks of religions which claim literalism. *All* > 
>> fundamentalist interpretations of *all* sects do so.
> ...
> Absolute rubbish, I'm afraid. Within Judaism the tiny Kairite
> movement is literalist, and the only one of any size (15,000)
> whatsoever*. The "ultra-religious" Jewish movements like the Haredi
> or Chabad-Lubavitch are most certainly not litteralists.

Then I stand corrected. How about "virtually all" instead of "all"?

>>> Um, sharp differentation there. Scientology is an presently and
>>> actively dangerous *criminal organisation*. So putting it in a list
>>> with anything else is wrong. We don't tolerate the Mafia, why do we
>>> tolerate scientology again? Oh right, Tom Cruise. *thud*.
>> That aside, the Catholic church actively engaged in hiding
>> priest-rapists for *decades*. There are strong indications they still
>> do so. This fits well into my definition of criminal behavior.
> There is no "aside" (and I'd have more to say otherwise). If you are
> willing to tolerate Scientology, then why criticise any religious
> ideology?

When did I indicate a willingness to tolerate Scientology? I find them 
silly at best and, yes, criminal at worst. I was just pointing out that 
the problems aren't exclusive to Hubbard's silly little cult.

Warren Ockrassa
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