On 9/15/07, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  Please tell me you didn't have to look that up. Or do you just have
> > such contempt for your audience that you assume they don't understand
> > the conversation that is taking place?
> Ronn's point seems to be that _you_ should have looked it up.
> My experience with Ronn on this list suggests that he knows exactly
> what non-sequitur means without looking it up, but he likes to cite
> his sources.

 Quoting from the dictionary is not citing your sources, it is using
an idiotic rhetorical tool.

> I have no beef with Ronn, but I'm no fan of spelling or
> grammar-weenie behavior, either. On the other hand, you did spell non-
> sequitur wrong and you used it improperly.

 I may have spelt wrong - a spelling mistake? on the internet? - but I
certainly didn't use it improperly.

> I think you may have meant non-starter, which is an expression some
> use for something that is so wrong that it just won't happen.
> As to the topic at hand, If a world-class city like London wants to
> ban private cars, it probably needs to take on the responsibility of
> providing alternative transportation for those who simply cannot, for
> health reasons, walk the distances required.

 Oh my God, really!?


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