On 04/10/2007, at 11:13 AM, jon louis mann wrote:

>   i ride a bike and drive so i can see both sides.  i am of the  
> opinion that both groups exhibit extremely hostile and discourteous  
> behavior, at least in los angeles.

Some do. The biggest problem with car driver in car-based cities is  
the general ignorance of rules applying to bicycles.

> pedestrians are not much better.  i would think anyone ambulating  
> by feet or bike would take more care because they are far more  
> vulnerable.  i notice a lot of bicyclists exhibit their share the  
> road attitude by riding double and forcing cars to match their  
> speed if they can not pass.

Two abreast is legal just about everywhere, and a bicycle is  
*entitled* to the *whole lane*. Even in LA. Most cyclists stay  
towards the gutter out of courtesy, not because they have to.

> i notice a lot of drivers open their doors without checking to see  
> if a bicylist is approaching.

Also illegal. I've been "doored". It's not nice. Since then, I will  
not ride closer than 3 feet from parked cars. Even if that puts me  
outside a marked bicycle lane if they're narrower than 4 feet (and  
I'm still within the law - bicycles must stay within the bicycle lane  
"as far as is practicable, but may leave the lane to avoid hazards or  
obstructions", and a parked car is a hazard).


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