Charlie Bell wrote:
> Maybe once this dies down and people have a chance to take stock,  
> people in bushfire zones in the US will take a look at the 
> strategies  used Down Under. With it being the start of the fire 
> season here, the  "Make a Plan - Leave Early or Stay And Fight" 
> stuff is all over the  TV and the volunteer fire crews in every 
> country town are preparing  intensively.
Years ago, I watched a Botsuana movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy",
where the bushman hero used an interesting technique to fight an
out-of-control fire: he used fire to start a controlled fire,
creating a barrier of ashes, so that the uncontrolled fire
would not get close to where he was.

I don't know if this is possible in California, but maybe that
would be the best solution to save what can be saved.

Alberto Monteiro

PS: and now in Rio we have a (minor) flood...


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