> Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> > 10/4/2007, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >Not to underplay Himself's importance or
> brilliance,
> >but genetic engineering of 'lower' animals to get
> >intelligent servants/companions is not His
> invention:
> >the book I just referenced, _Breed To Come_ is
> >about gengineered cats

> Do you think cats would see being made more like
> humans as an improvement?

> At Least They Could Use The Can Opener Maru

And wouldn't Lihleete be delighted to do that herself?
 But of course all us'n cat-owned know th' answer to
yer qwery: *MMMrroewNO!**  It would be a major step
downward from their current multidimentional

Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star Cat_
IIRC, about a race of telepathic
interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
mentioned that here previously.

who shockingly remembers enough organic chemistry
(from 'way back in 1979 I think!) to help tutor a
younger friend today...alkane, alkadiene,
1,3-dichlorocycloheptane...  <massive shudder>

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