> I just don't see it happening according to their
> script.  Of those 8 or 10,
> how many are going to follow their parent's ideology
> lock step?  How many
> will rebel and provide a backlash?  How isolated can they
> remain in a
> society changing as rapidly as ours?
> Mormons have practiced something similar to this ideology
> for over a hundred
> years; are they taking over the world?
> In any case, what are we going to do about it?  Tell them
> they can't have
> babies?  Force them to educate their kids the way we think
> they should?
> What we really need is for responsible, intelligent,
> enlightened people to
> stop making excuses for _not_ having children.
> Doug

are you suggesting that it is rational to have more enlightened children to 
balance those who are raised by cults and jihadists, etc.?  the mormons and 
various religious cults may not have taken over the world, but they are still 
growing and doing a hell of a lot of damage...   we can't stop them from 
breeding, but we can intervene when there is child and spousal abuse.


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