On 5 Aug 2008, at 00:45, Olin Elliott wrote:

> Has anyone here read Alastair Reynolds -- Revelation Space, Chasm  
> City, Redemption Ark.  I've been reading his books for the past few  
> months and really loving them, but he doesn't seem to be that well  
> known among science fiction readers I've chatted with since I started.

I've read and enjoyed the three you mention. I got bogged down in  
_Absolution Gap_  and haven't finished it yet. Maybe next year :-)

> I'm also reading "A Fire Upon the Deep" by Vernor Vinge.

That's very good. I recently read _Rainbow's End_ which I didn't think  
was as good. I'm currently reading Michael Flynn's _In The Country of  
the Blind_ which I bought in 1990 or so. I had read bits of it in  
Analog previously. I just ordered Dozois' _The Year's Best Science  
Fiction 25_ from Amazon.com [1] and hope to finish reading #20 this  
year so I'll only be five years behind on that (21, 22, 23 and 24 are  
on the shelf).

[1] It cost £13.23 inc delivery from the USA to the UK and it costs  
£22.50 with free delivery from Amazon.co.uk. It takes a couple of  
weeks longer from the USA, but I'm not in a hurry :-)

Not enough hours Maru
William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"I guess I would describe Serenity as a sci-fi action drama about the  
price of freedom. Or, Citizen Kane with spaceships. I could go either  
way." - Joss Whedon


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