On 05/08/2008, at 9:45 AM, Olin Elliott wrote:

> Has anyone here read Alastair Reynolds -- Revelation Space, Chasm  
> City, Redemption Ark.

Revelation Space - so so. CC - v. good. RA - alright. I like Reynolds,  
but he's merely good not utterly brilliant.

> I've been reading his books for the past few months and really  
> loving them, but he doesn't seem to be that well known among science  
> fiction readers I've chatted with since I started.

Yeah. Most people I know who've read him like him but wonder where his  
books are actually going. I've enjoyed all that I've read, but not so  
much that I'm desperate for more, or to re-read them.

>  I'm also reading "A Fire Upon the Deep" by Vernor Vinge.

However, AFUTD (and A Deepness In The Sky as well) is awesome.  
Completely awesome.
> Just thought I'd bring up some books, since that is sort of what  
> drew me here in the first place.

Good good. All is Brin. :)


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