On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Olin Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone here read Alastair Reynolds -- Revelation Space, Chasm City, 
> Redemption Ark.  I've been reading his books for the past few months and 
> really loving them, but he doesn't seem to be that well known among science 
> fiction readers I've chatted with since I started.  I'm also reading "A Fire 
> Upon the Deep" by Vernor Vinge.
> Just thought I'd bring up some books, since that is sort of what drew me here 
> in the first place.
> Olin

Since the conversation has drifted to books,  this is good cause for
me to de-lurk....

I just recently read Revelation Space, Chasm City, and Redemption Ark
(Absolution Gap is on the shelf waiting), and I thoroughly enjoyed
them.  The universe presented in the books is pretty interesting to
me, and it has a certain "sense of wonder" about it, that there's
stuff out there that the characters barely comprehend.  I also like
the grittiness of the society that has fallen from it's high after the
melding plague took out the most advanced technology.

Regarding Vinge,  I wish he would write some more.   A Fire Upon the
Deep, and A Deepness in the Sky were amazing, and Rainbows End
presents a really interesting "near future" speculative setting (given
the increasing popularity of virtual worlds like Second Life, etc.
Rainbows End becomes even more interesting).


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