Ditto. Grrr... is a Billy Goat Gruff walking on MY bridge? 


> To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
> Subject: Re: Monotonous posting
> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:43:02 -0700
> >What will cause people to leave this list is trolls who have nothing better 
> >to do than exhibit their asperger's >syndrome...
> >jon
> Just for the record, I have Asperger's, and I don't act like a Troll 
> (usually).  Bad choice of aspersions there.
> Olin
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Jon Louis Mann<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion<mailto:brin-l@mccmedia.com> 
>   Sent: 10/20/2008 3:28 PM
>   Subject: Monotonous posting
>   >> It's been very quiet here since the thought police manifesto.
>   >> Obvious Maru
>   > what manifesto?
>   > oblivious maru...
>   > I don't think we've ever moderated anybody for frequent off-topic
>   > posting, but I'm growing increasingly concerned that many of your
>   > postings are a distraction and offensive to some who might otherwise
>   > participate.  Others,including me, are just plain bored with it, since
>   > you haven't written anything new on the topic for a long, long time.
>   > I'm growing increasingly concerned that you are trying to use your
>   > position on the list to intimidate and silence those with whom you do
>   > not agree and that this behaviour could be offensive to some who might
>   > otherwise participate.
>   I don't agree that Nick is threating of censorship, or that it would  
>   discourage posting if he did.  What will cause people to leave this list is 
> trolls who have nothing better to do than exhibit their asperger's syndrome...
>   jon
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