On Sun, 19 Oct 2008, Lance A. Brown wrote:

> Olin Elliott said the following on 10/19/2008 5:59 PM:
>> Or maybe it was because each one of his "monotonous posts" elicit
>> dozens of responses from people telling him how monotonous and
>> irritating he is.  I find everyone's responses to William, and the
>> energy that goes into villainizing him to be much more annoying than
>> anything he's posted.  Perhaps if people just ignored his posts and
>> used that time to post something interesting of their own, their
>> would be something worthwhile going on here.
> First rule of dealing with trolls:  Don't Feed The Troll.

Sometimes some folks have problem spotting the troll.

I'm cautious if I observe someone exhibiting behavior anywhere near 
trollish behavior.  If I decide after some more observation that it is, 
indeed, a troll, I just don't reply to the posts of that particular 
person.  Keeps me from looking like an idiot when more people figure out 
hey, yeah, that's a troll, and if it turns out not to be such a troll, I'm 
perfectly content to go back to replying.

That's just me.  And, well, I have an underdeveloped sense of tact; at 
least 2/3 of whatever might be perceived as "tact" in me is actually my 
keeping my mouth shut when in doubt.  (If you do that in person, but stay 
attentive to the conversation, you may end up with a reputation as a good 
listener, and people tend to like you more.  That's about the only theory 
I have to explain why I am as popular as I am at this point IRL.)



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