Julia Thompson wrote:
> That's just me.  And, well, I have an underdeveloped sense of tact; at 
> least 2/3 of whatever might be perceived as "tact" in me is actually my 
> keeping my mouth shut when in doubt.  (If you do that in person, but stay 
> attentive to the conversation, you may end up with a reputation as a good 
> listener, and people tend to like you more.  That's about the only theory 
> I have to explain why I am as popular as I am at this point IRL.)
I've always loved the quote from Abraham Lincoln:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and 
remove all doubt.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Linux User #333216

"There is no "royal road" to geometry." -- Euclid -- Said to king Ptolemy I

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