> What about a system made up of a number of member states with various 
> constitutions, with a higher federal level above consisting of a 
> representative from each of the 13 member states.

Nice start, but why only 13 member states?  :-)

> The federal level would have very limited power & responsibilities, 
> including:
> 1. Measuring the happiness of the inhabitants of the citizens of each of the 
> member states.
> 2. Mediating disputes between the states.
> 3. Every X years replacing the consititution of the state with the greatest 
> drop or smallest increase in average happiness with a constitution based on 
> the constitution of the state with the greatest recorded happiness level, 
> but with one modification.

1) Why trust the government with measuring something as abstract as
happiness, if it can be measured at all? I don't think I'd trust even my
closest friends and family to measure my "happiness".

3) An outside authority comes in and tells all the people living in the state, 
"we are going to change all the major laws of your land, but don't
worry, it is for your own good, we want to make you happier! Oh, and we'll
let you choose one law for yourself, since we value your freedom."

Just let people live where they want to and leave them alone.

> The above system would tend to be self improving would it not? 

I'd guess there would be riots if not outright revolutions.



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