To give credit where it is due: Tim O'Reilly posted a reply on Twitter
(@timoreilly) to Tom Evslin's (@tevslin) piece.

On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 3:52 PM, David Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Jon Louis Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the economic boom due to unregulated greed has turned into an exploded bomb 
>> - no longer ticking...
> I like what Tom Evslin had to say about this at
>    This correction from excess has been violent and in many ways
>    harmful but it HAS cured many of the excesses; the goal
>    shouldn't be to reestablish them. We don't want housing prices
>    to boom out of reach again; we don't want oil prices to go up or
>    credit to be extended promiscuously; we don't want a banking
>    economy based on the third derivative of valueless debt. We need
>    to be wary of those crying "crisis" because they have a solution
>    to sell. We've already gone too far in pouring aid in at the top
>    of the financial system hoping (to put a good light on it) that
>    it'll trickle down.
>    We will need to cushion some of the pain at the bottom of the
>    economic heap; there'll be more need for unemployment insurance
>    before there's less. We can't afford to let starved states cut
>    back on infrastructure projects both for the sake of the
>    infrastructure and for the sake of the economy. But we also want
>    the excesses that have been corrected stay corrected – at least
>    until the next bubble.
> "We also want the excesses that have been corrected to stay
> corrected." A nice dream.
> Dave

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