John  wrote:
   I wrote:
>> I have to go back to the burning building analogy.
> Which, as I already explained, is a useless analogy and not worth
> further comment.

Because it renders your whole speculative argument moot?  Your so
called explanation was:

"It would also be silly to think the US economy is even in the same
ballpark of being understood as a burning building."

So we are to assume on your say so that economic emergencies do not exist?

>> In any case, since you have no faith in economists, who would you have
>> study the situation?
> Everyone who wishes to.

Now there is a useless answer.  How is this everyone who wishes to
supposed to do anything about the situation if and when they figure
out what to do?   Are they a committee?  The Everyone Who Wishes To
committee?  Would we give them a commission and an annual budget?




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