On Sep 1, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

Dave Land wrote:

So what's wrong with a little ritualized cannibalism among consenting
adults?  ;-)

See how amusing you think it is when they come to eat YOUR brain :-)

Then isn't it completely grand that it is always and ever has been /

What about this?


Soylent green is not alternate future.

Ugh. Following the link for "Food safety in China#Soy sauce made from
human hair" on the above page was pretty gross, too.

At my church, which is the traditionally Japanese-American Methodist
church in San Jose's Japantown, we eat a lot of Shoyu, but I don't
believe that any of it is made from human hair.

And the "body" that we eat in remembrance is most definitely bread.



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