On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 8:17 PM, David Hobby<hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
> John Williams wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:44 PM, David Hobby<hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
>>> Yes.  It's a dishonest way to refer to it, since
>>> you admit that taxation is in principle justified.
>> Calling a spade a spade is not dishonest. And I did not "admit that
>> taxation is in principle justified". Telling me how to express myself
>> is not a way to have a productive discussion.
> It is too dishonest, since you said:
>>> No, I do not propose that the US should abolish all taxes, and I have
>>> written that here before.
> I am still reading that as "taxation is in principle justified".
> Why are you singling out taxes paid for health care as "taking
> my money"?  Anybody could say that about any government spending,
> so it's meaningless.
> Arguing fairly and honestly is the way to have a discussion
> with me.

You're still not getting it. I am not interested in discussing this
topic with you since you have called me dishonest, inflammatory,
incoherent, and told me how I should express myself. That is not the
way to get me interested in a discussion. This will be my final
response on the issue, unless you start a thread and convince me that
you are willing to consider that I might possibly have a reasonable
viewpoint on the issue (even if you disagree with my views), and that
you are genuinely interested in understanding my viewpoint.


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