John Williams wrote:
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:02 PM, David Hobby<> wrote:
John Williams wrote:

I don't get this.  You recently wrote:
No, I do not propose that the US should abolish all taxes, and I have
written that here before.
So some taxes are O.K.?  But I imagine that some of the
people paying those taxes would rather not have "their"
money spent on items paid for with those taxes.  So
can't they always make the same complaint you did above?

Help me out?  When do you believe taxation is justified?

Once again I am asked something that I have already answered, and yet
others say my posts are repetitive.

If you really want to discuss this again, please start a new thread
and ask me again.


O.K., here's a new thread, as per your request.

I don't really see why a new thread is justified,
since this seems to get at something you've said
repeatedly in the old thread.  You claim that
spending taxes on health care is "taking your
money from you by force", or somesuch.  Why make
such an inflammatory claim, when that is what
ALL taxes do?



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