John Williams wrote:
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM, David Hobby<> wrote:
here's a new thread, as per your request.

I don't really see why a new thread is justified,
since this seems to get at something you've said
repeatedly in the old thread.  You claim that
spending taxes on health care is "taking your
money from you by force", or somesuch.  Why make
such an inflammatory claim, when that is what
ALL taxes do?

That is not a way to frame a discussion that makes me want to
participate. I'm not being coy -- I just don't see that we will make
any progress in understanding each other's views when you start a
discussion that way.


At the moment, it's not clear to me that you HAVE any
coherent views on the legitimacy of taxation.  If you
do, feel free to outline them.

It seems that whenever I press you for details on
this kind of thing, you get vague.  Can you do better
than "taxation is O.K. as long as government is small"?



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