Maybe that was right for some teams in the B tour, but playing for UTB,
I think we had a cap in only one game as well. 
Our games were only to 11.  Maybe if they'd been to 15, we'd have got
into the cap more.


Wayne Davey wrote:

>Re JP:
>>A tour
>>16 teams
>>8 pitches
>>6 * 90 mins = 540 mins of pitch time per team
>>B & Women's Tour combined
>>44 teams
>>~10 or 11 pitches - giving benefit of the doubt for the two pitches lost
>>weather (approximate as a few women's games where played on the A tour
>>8*45 mins = 360 minutes of pitch time per team.
>Though I'm sure you're right that the A tour teams received more pitch time
>than the B tour, I think the gap might be smaller than this simple
>calculation shows. I played for Factory 1 in the A tour and all but one of
>our games went to 15 points (i.e. no cap was played). Hence 5 of our games
>may have been less than 1 hr 30mins. I can't really comment fully on the B
>tour but I do suspect that the games were much more likely to reach the cap
>(and hence have an extra 2.5+ points played, taking from 5 - 20 odd minutes
>extra to complete).
>I'm pretty sure the difference is therfore smaller than suggested
>BPF 1
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