<Snip Details of pitches and game times from Tour 1>

> >
> Though I'm sure you're right that the A tour teams received more pitch
> time
> than the B tour, I think the gap might be smaller than this simple
> calculation shows. I played for Factory 1 in the A tour and all but one of
> our games went to 15 points (i.e. no cap was played). Hence 5 of our games
> may have been less than 1 hr 30mins. I can't really comment fully on the B
> tour but I do suspect that the games were much more likely to reach the
> cap
> (and hence have an extra 2.5+ points played, taking from 5 - 20 odd
> minutes
> extra to complete).
> I'm pretty sure the difference is therfore smaller than suggested

Maybe except that I deliberately overestimated the number of games in the B
tour. Half of the teams (winners on losers of the pools) only played seven
games rather than the eight I used for my calculation. While I sure some of
the A tour games went to the cap the same is true of the B tour. There where
many bagelings or near bagelings resulting in 25-30 minute games in the B
tour (especially in pool play).

In fact I'd argue that the gap between the top and bottom of the B tour is
far greater than the gap in the A tour. In the A tour the biggest difference
in seeding between to teams that played each other was 11 (1v12 first round
crossover game) and after that round it was never more than 5 in pools and
then 7 for the quarter finals. While in the B tour the largest gap was 31
(1v32) and it wasn't until the 6 round quarter finals that the gap was 7 or
less and therefore close to the types of games being played in the A tour.
It is clear, at least on paper, that the average A tour games should have
been tighter than the average B tour game. As such I'd expect more games in
the B tour to go to points rather than time. All things considered my
calculation deliberately underestimated the difference in pitch time so I
stand by my original calculation.


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