On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 11:44:22 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadam...@openjdk.org> 

> Yes, other clients might be able to access the hashmap, and observe a 
> possibly uninitialized value - but this is in the same bucket as the factory 
> example I gave last week, where a private constructor (called by public 
> factory) was leaking this via a static method.

It's similar but slightly different - in [your earlier 
there was no chance a subclass was involved, so no leak was possible (according 
to our definition of a leak, which requires a subclass involvement). In this 
`Bundle` example, a subclass could be involved so the warning is generated. But 
that's just a technicality - I get what you're saying.

> Given this, I believe the above case is a "false positive". The problem seems 
> to be that we don't know what the code for HashMap::put is, so we cannot know 
> if that code might end up calling some virtual method on our this - and so we 
> warn. Correct?

Yes, although it's a "false positive" according to our defined semantics... 
well, to be clear: it's a false positive in that there is actually no bug 
there, but it's not a false positive in the sense that an actual "leak" is 
occurring, based on our definition of "leak".

For example, suppose the subclass of `Bundle` happens to implement `Predicate` 
and `HashMap::put` happens to invoke `test()` on any values that implement 
`Predicate`. Because our semantics say to treat `HashMap::put` like a black box 
and make no assumptions on its behavior we have to admit this unlikely scenario.

But I'm being technical. What programmer's actually care about is how often the 
warning actually helps them prevent an _actual or probable bug_, not whether it 
meets some technical definition.

> the only way for Map::put to leverage some virtual method in this (whose type 
> is Bundle) is if if the map implementation can access Bundle

Except for the subclass implementing some interface and `HashMap` casting for 

> As I said, a bit sad, because this idiom is frequent...

I am in agreement with your general sentiment. In short, we want a higher ratio 
of "actual bug possibilities" to "really obscure and unlikely bug 

Based on this and our other discussions I'm thinking that, at least for the 
first round, we should be less aggressive. Then later, as we get more 
experience with the warning over time, we can tighten the screws if needed.

An easy way to be less aggressive is to draw a more conservative "maintenance 
boundary", which is the area inside of which we don't care about 'this' escape 

In the current implementation, the maintenance boundary = the compilation unit 
(i.e., the source file `X.java`). So to limit ourselves to possible bugs we do 
care about, we ask: Is X not final, not sealed (or, sealed but permitting some 
class defined outside of X.java), and does X have a non-private constructor?

Instead, we could widen the maintenance boundary to the package/module 
boundary, and instead ask: Is X public, not final, not sealed, and does X have 
a non-private constructor?

This is not a perfect drawing of that boundary, because it ignores which 
packages are exported in a module, but that error is a conservative one, and it 
avoids tricky issues with how files are compiled.

This would eliminate your false positive example above, albeit not for the 
reasons you state, but rather simply because `Bundle` is package-private. From 
previous test, it reduces warnings in the JDK by 36%.

Your thoughts?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11874

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