On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 15:36:49 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> nstead, we could widen the maintenance boundary to the package/module 
> boundary, and instead ask: Is X public, not final, not sealed, and does X 
> have a non-private constructor?
> This is not a perfect drawing of that boundary, because it ignores which 
> packages are exported in a module, but that error is a conservative one, and 
> it avoids tricky issues with how files are compiled.
> This would eliminate your false positive example above, albeit not for the 
> reasons you state, but rather simply because `Bundle` is package-private. 
> From previous test, it reduces warnings in the JDK by 36%.
> Your thoughts?

I agree with this conclusion. Also, even if a class is public, our question 
should be: is this class in a non-exported package? Because, if so, even a 
public class can be "implementation specific".


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11874

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