On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 15:53:57 GMT, Brian Goetz <briango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> A more complete analysis would analyze the base class + possible subclass 
> combinations, and could exclude some escapes which are harmless (i.e., the 
> base class passes `this` to an overridable method, but no overrides make use 
> of it, and no other ovverides are possible).  But that seems its moving in 
> the opposite direction of what you're looking for?

So far we've stuck to the requirement that whatever analysis we are doing is 
done on a a per-file basis, one at a time, so analyzing possible class + 
subclass combinations is currently limited to what's available in a single file.

Now this is not an inviolate requirement, and removing it would certainly 
enable the analysis to rule out more false positives (as with your example), 
but it's not something we've really considered doing yet, mainly because of 
item 2 below.

In the big picture, it seems like our goals are roughly:
1. Be able to detect a high % of the "truly threatening" leaks that are out 
there (minimize false negatives)
1. Keep the implementation relative simple and minimize compiler performance 
1. Try to avoid having so many false positives that developers are turned off 
or annoyed

I think we're pretty good on item 1, although this one somewhat of a 
speculative judgement call.

For item 2 we're in the right ballpark I think... (others may disagree).

For item 3, this is where there is still some worry and uncertainty. It's not 
just about what kind of leaks/bugs are out there, it's also that it's hard to 
predict how humans will react.

So starting with a less aggressive posture, allowing for getting more so over 
time, is a the more conservative option.

The simplest way to do that is to widen the "maintenance boundary" as 
mentioned. Now this could impact item 1 but at least any new false negatives 
would necessarily be contained within a single package/module.

To restate: we can always get more aggressive if that turns out to be 
warranted. But if you start out too aggressive and the world barfs on it and 
just turns it off, you've probably missed your chance forever.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11874

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