On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:26:34 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I see, seems like it's an unfortunate situation where a fix is hard or even 
>> impossible. If we file a gcc bug for it now, it'll get fixed in some 
>> insanely new gcc version (such as gcc 15 or 16) and we'd have to jump to 
>> that version, which I'm sure no one is going to like :(
>> Nevertheless, since there are so many instances of it, I suggest #pragma GCC 
>> visibility push(hidden) instead of adding a new macro to this file, in my 
>> opinion it's somewhat cleaner and also makes the change smaller.
>> #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
>> // Junk that needs hidden visibility to work properly
>> #pragma GCC visibility pop
>> Also, why TARGET_COMPILER_gcc instead of __GNUC__? Does this have to work 
>> with Apple Clang on macOS as well?
> This is not an issue with clang, only gcc.
> My understanding was that the proper way to test for compiler in Hotspot code 
> was by using `TARGET_COMPILER_gcc`.
> I can try using the `#pragma` route instead; if it works I agree it is 
> slightly better than to sprinkle `HIDDEN` all over the place.

Drat, I thought the pragma would work. Sorry.

I would file a bug for gcc, but I have no idea what to even describe it as


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17955#discussion_r1500624847

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