
I would but I'm busy porting existing device drivers to Device Tree and
writing some new drivers.  Our last release used a kernel version that
didn't have Device Tree, so getting support for all the hardware on all of
our boards for this new kernel version is a substantial amount of work.

I will give you a use case where this feature makes sense, though: we build
embedded Linux images using Yocto, but unlike many people, we make our
images generic and add additional tools and a fully featured SDK.  We build
our distribution for customers who don't know how to do this themselves,
and don't have the inclination or approval to spend the time learning how
to.  We work hard to make things easy for them.  One of the stumbling
blocks our customers have had in the past is how to configure ntpd to use
their internal ntp servers.  Helping them with this usually results in
grumbling about it being overcomplicated to perform what should be such a
simple task.  Most of them have no idea how to write bash scripts, so this
task represents a real learning curve for them.  What makes this worse is
that they have no interest in learning bash; as soon as they finish this,
they go back to C++ (or C) to finish their work.

Now, personally, I've been writing software since the mid-1980's, so to me,
all software is much easier to write than it used to be, and the library
functions keep the code size small.  I personally don't see how this tiny
addition represents any significant increase to the size of the source tree
or the compiled binary.  I will tell you, however, that we'll just continue
use the full version of ntp for our upcoming distribution (we already made
the switch in our recipes) if this isn't added.  It's not worth the time or
effort for me to edit your code to add this.  I've simply been trying to
point out that catering to your users is the most important thing to do if
you want to keep them from jumping ship.  This may be one small portion of
Busybox, but it's one of about 20 that we've already replaced with full
versions for our upcoming release; the shortcomings in the busybox versions
aren't worth the savings in size in the days of GHz processors and 512MB+
RAM on small cheap embedded systems.  They're not even worth the savings on
our lowest end 200 MHz models; even those have a minimum of 128MB of RAM.
 I hope I'm not coming off as stubborn, annoying, or similar; that's not my
intention.  I'm just trying to get you to see things from the standpoints
of the people in this chain who've all clamored in favor of the feature.
 It honestly doesn't bother me either way, because as I said, I'll just use
the full version instead and not worry about it.

Mike Dean


EMAC, Inc.
618-529-4525 Ext. 330
618-457-0110 Fax
2390 EMAC Way
Carbondale, Il 62901

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Harald Becker <ra...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Mike !
> On 18-03-2014 12:52 Mike Dean <md...@emacinc.com> wrote:
> >I just implemented such code for a project I'm working on, and I
> >viewed it as pretty trivial.
> So why don't you provide an example for a patch to implement the
> function you request ... with full bloat check output and
> description of benefits ... then we can see if it makes sense to
> implement this.
> --
> Harald
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