On 3/18/2014 3:09 PM, Mike Dean wrote:
Helping them with this usually results in grumbling about it being overcomplicated to perform what should be such a simple task.

IMHO, the plethora of unix config file syntaxes are much harder to learn than reading a quick manpage (or --help in this case) of the tool you want to run. Where are they going to learn the syntax? Your documentation? Random Internet documentation for the real ntpd? The man page for the real ntp.conf is 1700 lines long!

On 3/18/2014 3:09 PM, Mike Dean wrote:
I personally don't see how this tiny addition represents any significant increase to the size of the source tree or the compiled binary.

What syntax should be used? the full ntpd syntax? Should busybox emit errors or warnings on directives it doesn't support? I can't imagine you could add this feature properly in less than 300 bytes, and that is significant for busybox.

On 3/18/2014 2:31 PM, Harald Becker wrote:
ntpd -p `cat /etc/timeserver`

I'm inclined to side with Harald that this is the best solution. Can't be much simpler for the user than that...

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