If anyone planning on trying 6 meters, I have an M2 6 meter HO Loop that I would be willing to LOAN.. (NEW, still in box..)


Howard Bingham


Ph: 713-6684821

On 6/8/2016 12:25 AM, Allen Brier N5XZ via BVARC wrote:


I would like all those who plan to participate in Field Day this year contact me via email. What I need (among other things) is:

Operators: Who wants to operate, how much, which mode(s) [CW, SSB, RTTY]

Radios: What can you bring? We need several more SSB computers (please, only high quality, late model computers). All computers must have computer interfaces for logging software, preferably RS-232 or USB. I think we are covered on CW machines. K3’s can key using the RS-232 connection, other radios may need additional equipment (such as WinKey) and appropriate cables. We also need power supplies, cables, power strips, extension cords, etc.

Antennas: We probably have the antennas we need, but we haven’t confirmed everything. We need to know what BVARC antennas are available, where they are and who is going to bring them.

Antenna supports: We have several supports identified, but we may need additional supports as well. Please let me know what you have available.

Generators: We need a couple of backup gensets and gas cans.

Coax: We may need some extra coax.

Time commitments: Who can help setup, tear down, provide assistance as required? Note that the fire station training room is upstairs this year, and that means a lot of moving equipment up the stairway, and down on Sunday. We could use some young blood for that.

Food: Who can provide a large BBQ pit or several small ones?

Bonus Points: Who can provide bonus point operations, hardware, etc.?

This Thursday’s BVARC meeting will be mainly devoted to Field Day discussions. I will be making a list (and checking it twice) of all of the above. Please either email me or let me know during the meeting Thursday.

Also, we plan to have a Field Day organizational meeting on Sunday, 2 – 4/5pm at the Pecan Grove Volunteer Fire Department Fire Station on 727 Pitts Road, in Richmond, TX. That is about 6/10 of a mile north of 90A on the west side. It is also where we currently plan to operate most of the stations from. Please plan to join us there if you are interested in participating.

We plan to use N1MM+ Logger Software again this year. There are a couple of good instructional videos on using N1MM+ during Field Day. See:



I’m sure there is much I have missed, and I am sending this email to assist N5MT and N5VCX (Field Day co-coordinators). Please copy them as well.

Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, Texas 77406-2553

(281) 342-1882 (Home)

(713) 705-4801 (Cell)

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