Luckily, I've been using Cake myself for the past couple of months - so
I'm about as much as we're likely to need for the moment :)

The other options are: keep doing things the same way they've always
been done here (we have a function library, but the functions it
includes are pretty specific to certain projects and thus useless on a
general level), or to write our own framework - which from an ownership
point of view makes sense, but less so from the point of view of "hey,
this is a huge job, and it still might have security issues I've

I've also encountered the problem with having trouble going back to
basic PHP code after a few months of baking. Really, I had to relearn a
lot of my old techniques. Although I think being exposed to Cake has
helped, my code is far more organised now just as a matter of course.

I guess we'll have to see which way we wind up going. I personally
wouldn't mind the challenge of writing our own framework from scratch,
but I have no illusions about the size of the job and the fact that I'd
effectively be responsible for all of it, good or bad. Luckily there's
only one other developer in the company at the moment so training
wouldn't be that hard to manage.

I'm also trying to push for source control, I know it probably seems a
bit backwards to some of you but I don't think the company has ever
felt this sort of thing was worth developing in the past - I'm working
towards bringing them up to modern techniques, so that we can embrace
new developments instead of ignoring them.

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