Hi... I posted a couple of days ago re making radio button labels
clickable...but guess my question was too long...and reading it back,
whilst accurate, it was pretty bloody boring too...sorry guys!

(note after writing this...this too has become long - maybe not quite
as boring (I hope), but left me bamboozled.............)

I've resorted to removing id from the input altogether as I think it's
better to have nothing take place at all when clicking a label rather
than the top radio button been selected irrespective of which label in
the group is clicked.

However...can someone please explain this to me. I'd still like to
make radio labels clickable for the appropriate radio
On this page: http://book.cakephp.org/view/1390/Automagic-Form-Elements
, about a third of the way down (second para in, is an
example of radio buttons with ---between--- text etc. Not really
interested in the --betweens-- or --afters-- etc. Am VERY interested
in the input ids and label fors however...as they seem to render as I
want them to be...........

It looks like this:

<?php echo $this->Form->input('field', array(
    'before' => '--before--',
    'after' => '--after--',
    'between' => '--between---',
    'separator' => '--separator--',
    'options' => array('1', '2')

And claims to output this (note the input->id and the label->for are
the same, thus rendering the labels clickable):


<div class="input">
<input name="data[User][field]" type="radio" value="1"
id="UserField1" />
<label for="UserField1">1</label>
<input name="data[User][field]" type="radio" value="2"
id="UserField2" />
<label for="UserField2">2</label>

It doesn't do this for me. Firstly I had to add a type->radio,
otherwise I get a select...which is ok, I added 'type' =>
'radio'...but, and this is the frustrating bit...I see this being

<div class="input radio">
                <input type="hidden" name="data[Member][field]" 
                <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field]" id="MemberField"
                <label for="MemberField">1</label>
                <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field]" id="MemberField"
                <label for="MemberField">2</label>

I'm in my members controller here...hence the MemberField rather than
UserField, but that's all...

See my input->ids and label->fors? All identical. Like peas in a pod.
Like things that are indistinguishable from each other. Like twins.

Any ideas?? If anyone can help, I'd be eternally grateful...well, for
a bit anyway.

Thanks in advance


Ok, so this has become long too...and it's about to get longer...

After more trial and error, I've managed to get the labels working,
with this format:

echo $this->Form->input('field1', array(
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','N' => ' No')

which gives:
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field1]" id="MemberField1"
<label for="MemberField1"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field1]" id="MemberField1N"
<label for="MemberField1N"> No</label></div>

(ie appends the N to the MemberField id. By no means ideal, but it

...but this doesn't work (changed N to M)

echo $this->Form->input('field2', array(
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','M' => ' No')

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field2]" id="MemberField2"
<label for="MemberField2"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field2]" id="MemberField2"
<label for="MemberField2"> No</label></div>

ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I tried a few more examples...

echo $this->Form->input('field3', array(
        'legend' => false,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','A' => ' Ao')
echo $this->Form->input('field4', array(
        'legend' => false,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','n' => ' no')
echo $this->Form->input('field5', array(
        'legend' => false,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','m' => ' no')
echo $this->Form->input('field6', array(
        'legend' => false,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','a' => ' ao')

AND WHAT HAPPENS? field3, 4 and 6 don't work, but, unbelievably field5

For what its worth, here's the html generated by the 4 statements

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field3]" id="MemberField3"
<label for="MemberField3"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field3]" id="MemberField3"
<label for="MemberField3"> Ao</label></div>

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field4]" id="MemberField4"
<label for="MemberField4"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field4]" id="MemberField4"
<label for="MemberField4"> no</label></div>

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field5]" id="MemberField5"
<label for="MemberField5"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field5]" id="MemberField5M"
<label for="MemberFid5M"> no</label></div>

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6"
<label for="MemberField6"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6"
<label for="MemberField6"> ao</label></div>


What I want to do is send:

...a value for the input id,
...a value for the label 'for' (should be the same as the value for
the input id above)
...a value for the value of the input (this could actually also be the
same as the above)
...the text for the label

in the $options array, and for cake to interpret these correctly. Is
that possible???? These are the 4 items associated with a group of
radio buttons that need to change for each radio button in the group
(in normal circumstances). Everything else remains constant (tho there
isn't much else anyway really...just the input type and name).

Soooooooooooooo...by sending ('Y'=>'Yes','N' => 'No') I want to see:

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberFieldYes"
<label for="MemberField6Yes">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberFieldNo"
<label for="MemberField6No">No</label></div>

Surely that's reasonable isn't it???


Dave (just about hanging on to the furthest end of his tether...)

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