Just a quick typo fix on that last statement...after the
Soooooooooooooooooo....added the number 6 on the input id. That's how
it should read...

<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6Yes"
<label for="MemberField6Yes">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6No"
<label for="MemberField6No">No</label></div>

On Nov 3, 3:10 pm, dave <davespa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi... I posted a couple of days ago re making radio button labels
> clickable...but guess my question was too long...and reading it back,
> whilst accurate, it was pretty bloody boring too...sorry guys!
> (note after writing this...this too has become long - maybe not quite
> as boring (I hope), but left me bamboozled.............)
> I've resorted to removing id from the input altogether as I think it's
> better to have nothing take place at all when clicking a label rather
> than the top radio button been selected irrespective of which label in
> the group is clicked.
> However...can someone please explain this to me. I'd still like to
> make radio labels clickable for the appropriate radio
> button...*sighs*.
> On this page:http://book.cakephp.org/view/1390/Automagic-Form-Elements
> , about a third of the way down (second para in, is an
> example of radio buttons with ---between--- text etc. Not really
> interested in the --betweens-- or --afters-- etc. Am VERY interested
> in the input ids and label fors however...as they seem to render as I
> want them to be...........
> It looks like this:
> <?php echo $this->Form->input('field', array(
>     'before' => '--before--',
>     'after' => '--after--',
>     'between' => '--between---',
>     'separator' => '--separator--',
>     'options' => array('1', '2')
> ));?>
> And claims to output this (note the input->id and the label->for are
> the same, thus rendering the labels clickable):
> Output:
> <div class="input">
> --before--
> <input name="data[User][field]" type="radio" value="1"
> id="UserField1" />
> <label for="UserField1">1</label>
> --separator--
> <input name="data[User][field]" type="radio" value="2"
> id="UserField2" />
> <label for="UserField2">2</label>
> --between---
> --after--
> </div>
> It doesn't do this for me. Firstly I had to add a type->radio,
> otherwise I get a select...which is ok, I added 'type' =>
> 'radio'...but, and this is the frustrating bit...I see this being
> generated:
> <div class="input radio">
>         --before----between---
>         <fieldset>
>                 <legend>Field</legend>
>                 <input type="hidden" name="data[Member][field]" 
> id="MemberField_"
> value="">
>                 <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field]" 
> id="MemberField"
> value="0">
>                 <label for="MemberField">1</label>
>                 --separator--
>                 <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field]" 
> id="MemberField"
> value="1">
>                 <label for="MemberField">2</label>
>         </fieldset>
>         --after--
> </div>
> I'm in my members controller here...hence the MemberField rather than
> UserField, but that's all...
> See my input->ids and label->fors? All identical. Like peas in a pod.
> Like things that are indistinguishable from each other. Like twins.
> Like..like...like...pah!
> Any ideas?? If anyone can help, I'd be eternally grateful...well, for
> a bit anyway.
> Thanks in advance
> Dave
> Ok, so this has become long too...and it's about to get longer...
> After more trial and error, I've managed to get the labels working,
> with this format:
> echo $this->Form->input('field1', array(
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','N' => ' No')
> ));
> which gives:
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field1]" id="MemberField1"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField1"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field1]" id="MemberField1N"
> value="N">
> <label for="MemberField1N"> No</label></div>
> (ie appends the N to the MemberField id. By no means ideal, but it
> works.)
> ...but this doesn't work (changed N to M)
> echo $this->Form->input('field2', array(
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','M' => ' No')
> ));
> gives
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field2]" id="MemberField2"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField2"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field2]" id="MemberField2"
> value="M">
> <label for="MemberField2"> No</label></div>
> ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I tried a few more examples...
> echo $this->Form->input('field3', array(
>         'legend' => false,
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','A' => ' Ao')
> ));
> echo $this->Form->input('field4', array(
>         'legend' => false,
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','n' => ' no')
> ));
> echo $this->Form->input('field5', array(
>         'legend' => false,
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','m' => ' no')
> ));
> echo $this->Form->input('field6', array(
>         'legend' => false,
>         'type' => 'radio',
>         'options' => array('Y'=>' Yes &nbsp;','a' => ' ao')
> ));
> AND WHAT HAPPENS? field3, 4 and 6 don't work, but, unbelievably field5
> does.
> For what its worth, here's the html generated by the 4 statements
> above:
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field3]" id="MemberField3"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField3"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field3]" id="MemberField3"
> value="A">
> <label for="MemberField3"> Ao</label></div>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field4]" id="MemberField4"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField4"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field4]" id="MemberField4"
> value="n">
> <label for="MemberField4"> no</label></div>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field5]" id="MemberField5"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField5"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field5]" id="MemberField5M"
> value="m">
> <label for="MemberFid5M"> no</label></div>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField6"> Yes &nbsp;</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberField6"
> value="a">
> <label for="MemberField6"> ao</label></div>
> Baffled...
> What I want to do is send:
> ...a value for the input id,
> ...a value for the label 'for' (should be the same as the value for
> the input id above)
> ...a value for the value of the input (this could actually also be the
> same as the above)
> ...the text for the label
> in the $options array, and for cake to interpret these correctly. Is
> that possible???? These are the 4 items associated with a group of
> radio buttons that need to change for each radio button in the group
> (in normal circumstances). Everything else remains constant (tho there
> isn't much else anyway really...just the input type and name).
> Soooooooooooooo...by sending ('Y'=>'Yes','N' => 'No') I want to see:
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberFieldYes"
> value="Y">
> <label for="MemberField6Yes">Yes</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Member][field6]" id="MemberFieldNo"
> value="N">
> <label for="MemberField6No">No</label></div>
> Surely that's reasonable isn't it???
> Thanks
> Dave (just about hanging on to the furthest end of his tether...)

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