I think a Killer app is a good idea, but it has to be something new
done better then anyone could picture, simple elegant and have it
work.  Trying to come out the door with yet another CMS is, in my mind
 (and it is a simple old mind remember), is dumb.  To try compete with
all the other CMS's out there is a fools errand.  You would be
obligated to make it have features to match all the cms's out there
(now I am not saying that a good killer cms would have to have all
that crap) but people come to the table with a certain expectation.
The cakeforge is littered with half assed attempts to make the killer
cms, why start another, you really want to make a difference in the
CMS world, get all those people who started all those projects and DO

The hardest part of a killer app is not building it, it's thinking of
it.  37 Signals succeeded because their ideas and the way they
executed them were killer (and timely) not because they tried to do
something every one and their brother have tried.

You need a fresh idea not a re-hash of an old one.

I mean this in a helpful, yet cranky way.  If you think of a killer
idea and want help, scream in this deaf old man's ears and I will
probably help.

Sam D  (my 4 cents because I need the money)

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