On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:

> I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.

You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help. But...

> Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).

...let me get this straight.

1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of  
code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that  

2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par) web  

3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss  
wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.

> So, the question:
> Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.

Sounds to me like what you need to consider switching... is your job.  

Execs that make really bad decisions, and a boss that wants to keep  
them happy by ditching a year plus of code? I don't think the choice  
of PHP framework is the problem. :)

> Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.

I suppose short term you might want to hire someone who can consult on  
that–or offer more details–but seriously. Make someone over there see  
some reason.


-- John
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