Hi Aurélien,

> Hi Michael and thank you very much for your baking advice!

You're very welcome!

> For a small application like yours, obviously it's nice to write all
> PHPDoc comments for Models in AppController and more nice if nothing
> is loading!
> But in my case, the application is big and we are 4 developpers to
> code... so I think it's not good to surcharge the AppController file
> with many PHPDocs comments.
> Because the file will become unreadable and because we don't know all
> the models we are using or we will use along the application's life.
> (Sorry, I'm not sure this sentence is clear?!)

I agree, it's not nice to have that code in the AppController, but
it's at least one central place where you can put it, update it and if
you want, remove it before delivering. You can also put it in the root
Controller-Class so it will not appear directly in your application,
but you will always have to update that code along the development.

> Otherwise, why Helpers/Components are loaded and Models are not?

Helpers aren't loaded either (Components are treated like Models), in
this case it's code that is even never executed (because of the
exit()). So both times it's pretty much nothing but useless code to
get eclipse doing the completion.

The difference is that one time you want the completion on certain
class-variables ($this->...), the other time you want to have the
completion in your views on basically undefined variables.

Happy baking,


avairet schrieb:
> Hi Michael and thank you very much for your baking advice!
> For a small application like yours, obviously it's nice to write all
> PHPDoc comments for Models in AppController and more nice if nothing
> is loading!
> But in my case, the application is big and we are 4 developpers to
> code... so I think it's not good to surcharge the AppController file
> with many PHPDocs comments.
> Because the file will become unreadable and because we don't know all
> the models we are using or we will use along the application's life.
> (Sorry, I'm not sure this sentence is clear?!)
> Otherwise, why Helpers/Components are loaded and Models are not?
> Bye,
> Aur�lien
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