Hey, I was just trying to help. CakePHP has opened a lot of doors for
me, but I personally think that the process could be a lil' less

On Feb 11, 2008 6:43 PM, DragonI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Baz,
> You've hit the nail on the head from both ends :) You should post this
> on your blog.

I sense sarcasm, but I can't exactly be sure...

> The result will be novices/newbies will just say screw it and move on
> to another more friendly community. The seasoned cakers will get
> frustrated and stop helping/mentoring. This is absolutely lose lose
> situation.

The result of what, my suggestions?

> The lessons I've learned over time is that no matter how good your
> product is, if no one can use it then your product fails. Just look at
> all of the database companies who have come and gone. My corporate
> friends are MS SQL server freaks who love it because MS made it easier
> to use/admin then it's father - Sybase. So look at where Sybase is
> today compared to MS.

So is there a proposal here?

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