Hi Bernhard,
I am sorry, I have no straight answer for what is slowing your site
down and can only offer suggestions of where to keep investigating.

I think you were on to something a few posts back when you stated that
XDebug reported your botstrap slow and more specifically App::import
(). In your shoes I would keep profiling to see where time is lost. If
you are lucky you will find something specific.

Since you can't install debugging on the production server I would do
it the "bad old way":
Manually put timers on anything you can in a clean CakePHP (to start
with). If you time the index.php, bootstrap, app_controller and a few
other things you can think of you have a "baseline". If you then do
the same for your app you can begin to see where time is lost.

One thing to check that I have noticed as a great bottleneck in my
code is data manipulation. Your SQL was not exactly slow but 100ms of
SQL can result in a few thousand rows of data that can bring php to
its knees when Cake tries to arrange the data into arrays for you.
Your portal does not look like it contains 10'000 articles at the
moment but take a look at the returned counts in the SQL debug.
Anything above 500 rows should be looked at to see if the data slows
down rendering or some manipulation (Set::extract(), afterFind()...).

Also in your last post you mention RC1. This version is supposed to be
quite a bit slower than RC3, but 5 sec sound way too slow.

Sorry for only offering more suggestions of random things to check.

On Dec 16, 6:43 pm, GeneSys <bernhard.bo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Additional infos after debugging with XDebug ...
> So I investigated my application by use of XDebug and WinCacheGrind.
> What made me really confusing is that bootstrap.php often takes ~350ms
> to process. (comparison to another cake project of mine: 80ms).
> In detail it shows me that the App::import Function in configure.php
> called from bootstrap.php costs 230ms -- i wonder why?
> Would it help someone if I'd loaded up the XDebug Cachegrind File?
> Thank you!
> Bernhard
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