
Thanks to everyone who has helped in this issue so far.
So this issue got me a bit restless ;) Did some testing on my
development server and on the 'production' machine.

Cake Framework used: RC3

On my development server I figured out the following behavior ...

* When calling a page the folder structure (for the cake framework) in
the bootstrap part gets read. The last iteration costs huge more time
than any other iteration (time varies between ~5ms up to ~200ms per
iteration, last iteration takes ~2000ms) --- when in debug 0 mode, the
folder structure seems to get cached when refreshing the page often.
(Anyone outside who knows how to control how long _that_ cache is
valid, or how to control how to enable that caching feature?)
* Complete bootstrap takes about 3000ms (2800ms are "wasted" by the
step I described before)
* The main application (measurement points before and after the
dispatcher) costs about 800ms

Summarization: A page request costs nearly 4 secs without the
directory tree cached and < 1 sec when cached.
System: Dell Inspiron 1720, OS: Windows Vista, CPU: T7300 (2.00GHz),
RAM: 2GB; XAMPP 1.6.7 beta1 (Apache: 2.2.9 / PHP: 5.2.6 / mySQL:
5.0.51b); (running local)
Remarks: PHP safe mode is not enabled

On my production server occures the following behavior ...

* First step: Same behavior as on the development server but times
vary by ~2ms up to ~250ms per iteration, last iterations takes
~2500ms. When in debug mode 0 folder structure won't get cached (am I
doing anything wrong here? On the development server (using same
configuration) caching works? (FYI: Yes, tmp folder is world-writeable
and "models"/"persistent" subfolders exist))
* Complete bootstrap costs ~3500ms, ~3200ms are used for the directory
tree iterations.
* Main application costs ~600ms.

Summarization: A page request costs also about 4 secs, but the
directory tree won't get cached. (This would increase performance
dramatically I guess ;))
System: Hardware facts unknown (as are the stats how many hosts are
shared on the same server). Webserver is: Apache 2.0.59, PHP: 5.2.5.
OS: Linux compatible (distro unknown)
Remarks: PHP safe mode is enabled

I hope I'll have some time the next few days and try to upload the
application on a dedicated server where I can repeat those tests for
comparison with my dev and my (current) production environment.

So I'm not quite sure if it's PHPs safe mode which decreases cakes
performance so signifcantly or if there's any other issue that is
involved in there. Caching the folder structure in production mode
(debug 0) would improve the performance (by not loosing any RAD
philosophy by cake) a lot  -- any ideas how to accomplish this (a
solution within using the tools cake provides would fit best I think)?

Thanks to everyone!

Best whishes,

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