I'm glad it's solved :)

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:38 PM, technicaltitch<technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After a small struggle with my budget hosts, they've told me my text
> was triggering a mod_security2 rule and are willing to disable it for
> my site (if I assure them I'm on the case re security). As far as I
> can tell you cannot disable this in .htaccess files.
> Thanks SO MUCH for helping me eliminate my code and CakePHP - I
> couldn't approach my hosts until I was confident that it wasn't my
> code or CakePHP, and that blaming the Apache config was plausible,
> which I couldn't have done without the generous assistance of everyone
> here.
> A HUGE thank you (from me and the charity Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi)
> On Aug 22, 1:36 am, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I submitted a ticket about this to my host's server admin, and
>> includinghttp://geocities.com/in the request caused:
>> Not Acceptable
>> An appropriate representation of the requested resource /pdesk.cgi
>> could not be found on this server.
>> Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to
>> use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
>> HTTPD Server Server atwww.getsomesupport.comPort 443
>> Removing those few characters allowed the ticket to submit
>> successfully.
>> On Aug 22, 12:57 am, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > You are such stars for helping me with this - its incredible thank you
>> > so much!
>> > I tried the new redirect method but got errors (missing arguments for
>> > AppController::redirect(), $status and $exit undefined) when I tried
>> > to log in, as this involved a redirect to the login form, so I logged
>> > in and then copied across the redirect override - to no avail - when I
>> > save the changes it redirects to the homepage, which contains no hint
>> > of the error. Also got the site working locally (was my PHP version
>> > thanks so much AD7six) - and can't repeat the defect. Do these point
>> > to Apache or PHP as the cause?
>> > I tried disabling mod_security using:
>> > <IfModule mod_security.c>
>> >         SecFilterEngine Off
>> >         SecFilterScanPOST Off
>> > </IfModule>
>> > in every .htaccess file in my site, but it didn't make any difference
>> > (I sanitize everything, and it can't be this as it doesn't happen
>> > locally - unless it could be that local is Windows and host is Linux -
>> > seems very unlikely).
>> > I'd really appreciate any tips if anything's obvious about resolving
>> > the redirect override - or does the fact that it works locally mean
>> > this is unlikely to reveal anything?
>> > Tried creating a test subdirectory but suspected it wouldn't work - I
>> > get a 500 error probably related to my non-standard directory layout
>> > (so that my cake and app directories are outside my public_html
>> > directory - seemed safer).
>> > My reason for another site is in case the forum software has somehow
>> > added this filtering site-wide - it seems to be a server setting, (its
>> > only $11). I do get this error when I try the text in any table in the
>> > system (including tables that are nothing to do with tinyMCE and very
>> > little to do with the rest of the code). Will try baking an unrelated
>> > table to see if I can repeat it there but I very much expect to as it
>> > seems platform related.
>> > As far as I can tell, I don't have access to PHP settings - just
>> > CPanel on a shared hosting platform.
>> > Am I right in suspecting Apache or PHP? If so any ideas where I can
>> > look? I can't find anything likely by googling filters for either.
>> > Does Cake automatically use certain PHP filters on all POST and GET
>> > submissions or something?
>> > Thanks HUGELY, I'll be so incredibly happy when I/we crack this
>> > Chris/tt
>> > On Aug 18, 5:11 pm, "Brendon Kozlowski (Realm)"
>> > <brendon...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > > I like archF6's suggestion, it's easy to test, and if it doesn't solve
>> > > it, continue from there.  It might work, it might not.  I don't think
>> > > a 500 server error would automatically redirect (but instead stop
>> > > execution).  Regardless, it's about a 20 second test.  With Dreamhost
>> > > I can enable/disable mod_security, I'm not sure if you would be able
>> > > to test that on your host or not.  To be clear - I don't know why
>> > > mod_security would mess with this, but it can't hurt to take a look if
>> > > you're able to make such changes.
>> > > On Aug 17, 11:23 am, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > > App was built Oct 2007 but it's taken the organization this long to
>> > > > find funding for someone to test and work on it, (hence I'm struggling
>> > > > to get my head round stuff again).
>> > > > I will have a go at creating a test subdirectory and adding that debug
>> > > > code- fantastic fantastic ideas thanks - probably blindingly obvious
>> > > > to PHPers but not to me (a decade working with C, Java and .NET but
>> > > > only ever used PHP on volunteer projects).
>> > > > Is it possible that a phpBB install may have had this as a side-
>> > > > effect? Ie, can filters be set up on all form input for a given space
>> > > > on a shared CPanel server?
>> > > > I have commented out my controller method and seen the error, so I'm
>> > > > assuming the redirect is called elsewhere, where do I put the redirect
>> > > > override code pls?
>> > > > As far as I can tell it isn't my code requesting the redirect but
>> > > > perhaps I'm missing something obvious? I commented out my controller
>> > > > method, route.php just has the default page specified. Tried debug
>> > > > level 1 and 2 and nothing is displayed about the error, or anything
>> > > > preceding the current page.
>> > > > Thanks SO much for your help - this is all so useful and despite my
>> > > > wandering off-subject, absolutely exactly how I hoped people would
>> > > > help me and I'm massively grateful,
>> > > > Chris
> >

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