I've been thinking about this over the weekend, and...to be honest, if
it's a server issue (you're testing with the same version of CakePHP
on both your development machine, and production server, right?), I
think you're probably going to have to resolve this with your host.

To see what options are available/running on your host within PHP, you
can use the phpinfo() function.  You simply run that on a page all of
its own and view the output (both production and development) and
compare the two results to see what might be different (other than
paths and Operating Systems).


On Aug 21, 7:57 pm, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You are such stars for helping me with this - its incredible thank you
> so much!
> I tried the new redirect method but got errors (missing arguments for
> AppController::redirect(), $status and $exit undefined) when I tried
> to log in, as this involved a redirect to the login form, so I logged
> in and then copied across the redirect override - to no avail - when I
> save the changes it redirects to the homepage, which contains no hint
> of the error. Also got the site working locally (was my PHP version
> thanks so much AD7six) - and can't repeat the defect. Do these point
> to Apache or PHP as the cause?
> I tried disabling mod_security using:
> <IfModule mod_security.c>
>         SecFilterEngine Off
>         SecFilterScanPOST Off
> </IfModule>
> in every .htaccess file in my site, but it didn't make any difference
> (I sanitize everything, and it can't be this as it doesn't happen
> locally - unless it could be that local is Windows and host is Linux -
> seems very unlikely).
> I'd really appreciate any tips if anything's obvious about resolving
> the redirect override - or does the fact that it works locally mean
> this is unlikely to reveal anything?
> Tried creating a test subdirectory but suspected it wouldn't work - I
> get a 500 error probably related to my non-standard directory layout
> (so that my cake and app directories are outside my public_html
> directory - seemed safer).
> My reason for another site is in case the forum software has somehow
> added this filtering site-wide - it seems to be a server setting, (its
> only $11). I do get this error when I try the text in any table in the
> system (including tables that are nothing to do with tinyMCE and very
> little to do with the rest of the code). Will try baking an unrelated
> table to see if I can repeat it there but I very much expect to as it
> seems platform related.
> As far as I can tell, I don't have access to PHP settings - just
> CPanel on a shared hosting platform.
> Am I right in suspecting Apache or PHP? If so any ideas where I can
> look? I can't find anything likely by googling filters for either.
> Does Cake automatically use certain PHP filters on all POST and GET
> submissions or something?
> Thanks HUGELY, I'll be so incredibly happy when I/we crack this
> Chris/tt
> On Aug 18, 5:11 pm, "Brendon Kozlowski (Realm)"
> <brendon...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > I like archF6's suggestion, it's easy to test, and if it doesn't solve
> > it, continue from there.  It might work, it might not.  I don't think
> > a 500 server error would automatically redirect (but instead stop
> > execution).  Regardless, it's about a 20 second test.  With Dreamhost
> > I can enable/disable mod_security, I'm not sure if you would be able
> > to test that on your host or not.  To be clear - I don't know why
> > mod_security would mess with this, but it can't hurt to take a look if
> > you're able to make such changes.
> > On Aug 17, 11:23 am, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > App was built Oct 2007 but it's taken the organization this long to
> > > find funding for someone to test and work on it, (hence I'm struggling
> > > to get my head round stuff again).
> > > I will have a go at creating a test subdirectory and adding that debug
> > > code- fantastic fantastic ideas thanks - probably blindingly obvious
> > > to PHPers but not to me (a decade working with C, Java and .NET but
> > > only ever used PHP on volunteer projects).
> > > Is it possible that a phpBB install may have had this as a side-
> > > effect? Ie, can filters be set up on all form input for a given space
> > > on a shared CPanel server?
> > > I have commented out my controller method and seen the error, so I'm
> > > assuming the redirect is called elsewhere, where do I put the redirect
> > > override code pls?
> > > As far as I can tell it isn't my code requesting the redirect but
> > > perhaps I'm missing something obvious? I commented out my controller
> > > method, route.php just has the default page specified. Tried debug
> > > level 1 and 2 and nothing is displayed about the error, or anything
> > > preceding the current page.
> > > Thanks SO much for your help - this is all so useful and despite my
> > > wandering off-subject, absolutely exactly how I hoped people would
> > > help me and I'm massively grateful,
> > > Chris- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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