Could you prompt the pass through with more emphasis?  Maybe

5 - 6 - circle - left - 1 - 2 - three - quarters - pass - through - 7 - 8?

Or perhaps even "pass through now" with the now being on the 6 beat?
Or emphasize the balance beat so people realize they're late.

I try to prompt circle left and swings with the "swing your neighbor"
being a prompt to start swinging on the 7 so that people will be used
to this timing as well.

I think the best thing would be to mention it during the walk through of course.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Kalia Kliban <> wrote:
> I can't speak to it being a new issue but I've noticed the late progression
> as well.  It drives me crazy when I'm dancing, especially if there's
> supposed to be a balance at the top of the A1.  As a caller, once the dance
> has begun it's almost impossible to try and bend that timing back into line.
> You're right that it's a good thing to stress in the walk-through.  Maybe a
> few folks will pick up on it and the good timing will spread.  I can dream,
> can't I?
> I notice the same problem, even worse, when it's a swing your partner on the
> side and then slide left Becket progression.  Everyone wants to milk every
> last beat out of that swing and then they scramble to catch up for the rest
> of the dance because they missed the slide left.  Grumble, grumble, kids
> these days...
> Kalia
> On 6/6/2013 5:47 AM, Read Weaver wrote:
>> Maybe i've only recently noticed it, rather than it being a change, but in
>> the last couple of years I've noticed a lot more dances that end with circle
>> L 3/4 and pass through. The timing always ends up off for this, as most
>> dancers use 8 counts to do the circle, leaving them late for whatever move
>> starts the dance. (6 counts for the circle & 2 to pass through would stay on
>> the phrasing). I'd say it's about 80:20 8count:6count, which is enough of a
>> mismatch to lead to disappointment as the dance begins each time, with folks
>> arriving for the first move at different times (if everyone got it "wrong"
>> there'd be almost no problem--though the choreography still might feel
>> poor). The caller pointing it out during the walk through would help, but
>> that doesn't seem to happen.
> I can't speak to it being a new issue but I've noticed the late progression
> as well.  It drives me crazy when I'm dancing, especially if there's
> supposed to be a balance at the top of the A1.  As a caller, once the dance
> has begun it's almost impossible to try and bend that timing back into line.
> You're right that it's a good thing to stress in the walk-through.  Maybe a
> few folks will pick up on it and the good timing will spread.  I can dream,
> can't I?
> Kalia
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