Actually: " Circle 3/4 & pass through as ANY move of a dance" I think.

Yes, lots of excellent callers stress that circle 3/4 is six beats. I wish
more callers would do it.

Read also mentioned "avoidance of teaching".

But we ARE teachers.  You may CALL it a walk-through, but what you are
actually doing is TEACHING the dance.  And if the dance will work better if
you point out some key items then go head and point them out, i.e. teach!

In fact there are LOTS of moves that are really 6+2:
Down the Hall in Lines of Four (6) Turn Alone (2).
Swing (6) open out (with a twirl maybe) for the next move (2)
Star/Circle Left (6) turn to prepare to go back the other way (2)

These are all things that cause dancers to be late because they do an eight
beat move and then spend the first part of the next phrase preparing for the
next move. I suspect it might help a lot if we mentioned the 6/2 concept
more when calling/teaching!

Other examples that would benefit from a few key phrases from the caller
(these are all from recent dances attended by hundreds of "experienced"

Down the Hall in Lines of Four (4) California Twirl (4) - it's amazing how
many dancers think they can do California Twirl in one beat and end up
making lines crash - callers could just mention that California Twirl takes
longer than Turn Alone so start around beat 5.  (E.g Balance the Ring (4)
California Twirl (4))

Men Allemande Left 1 & 1/2 - please, please, please tell them that it is
dancing and not arm-wrestling - that if their arm moves closer to their body
then they LOSE! :-)  It is so frustrating having to fight (which I won't do
any more after two shoulder operations) or accept that you aren't going to
get around easily and that you aren't going to be able to spin out because
it is too late and your arm has been forced into an awkward position.

Swings where your partner hangs, grips, clamps, leans or otherwise prevents
a wonderful experience - I wish callers would mention more (even to the most
"experienced" dancers) that it is a loving embrace, a gentle counterbalance
and relaxing will make the experience so much better.

It only takes a second to mention these and similar elements during a
walk-through. If we all drip-feed good ideas then some of the dancers will
try them out and enjoy them.

Yes, we should teach! :-)

Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England 01233 625 362 for Dancing in Kent

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