Don't badmouth the jews, or I will ask my friend general Moshe Dayan to kick 
your arse.


De : Bury Chau <>
À : goolge goolge <>
Envoyé le : Ven 13 mai 2011, 6h 43min 00s
Objet : RE: PART 8 :  The destruction of America continues : SEX SCANDAL IN 

Second sex scandal to hit president's daughters school in less than two years...
Sidwell Friends Sued for $10 Million by Cuckolded Dad 
Lawsuit claims "severe emotional distress" caused by alleged affair between a 
staff psychologist and the married mother of a student he was treating. 

By Sommer Mathis 
The father of a 5-year-old Sidwell Friends School student has filed a $10 
million suit against the school for allegedly allowing its staff psychologist 
carry on an affair with his wife. 

In court filings, Arthur Newmyer claims he and his daughter suffered "severe 
emotional distress" when then-school psychologist James Huntington carried on a 
lengthy affair with his wife, Tara Newmyer. Huntington was treating Newmyer's 
daughter at the time, and the suit alleges that the girl was routinely present 
when he and Tara Newmyer would meet to spend time together. 

Arthur Newmyer is accusing Sidwell of being aware of the affair and doing 
"nothing to stop it." The lawsuit, posted below (warning, it contains extremely 
graphic language), is based mostly on a large volume of e-mails Huntington sent 
Tara Newmyer from his Sidwell e-mail address over the course of their affair. 
one of the more outlandish examples, Huntington appears to joke about 
contemplating mentioning his sexual desire for Tara Newmyer while in a private 
professional session with her young daughter.  

One other potentially salacious tidbit to come out of the suit, as the Examiner 
points out: Huntington, who has since been dismissed from the school, taught 
sexual education to sixth-graders in 2009-2010, the same year that President 
Obama's daughter Malia was in the sixth-grade at Sidwell.

Sidwell Lawsuit

ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools
ACLU Articles, The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture 

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Zionist News (SM)
Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443

Resistance, a family oriented Lobby Group.

In an alarming expose’ of videos shown to Elementary School children, 
indoctrinating them into anal sex & vile lesbian conduct, Mass Resistance urges 
us all to speak out now and stop the homosexual activists from corrupting our 
Both the ACLU, whose leadership are all Jews and the Jewish-controlled Media, 
are promoting homosexuality, lesbianism, and all abnormal abominations - all of 
which are rotting away our once Christian nation. 

As far as I am concerned, I think we have had enough of their wretched 
on our lives!
Now I wish for all of you to say a prayer to the Lord of Hosts to stop this 
outrage as you click Here (wait for download) to see & view how homosexuals and 
lesbians are indoctrinating elementary school children into their deviant 

Please pray along with me, “Oh Lord - Protect Our Children & Our Nation
Against The Anti Christian Forces Surrounding Us!”

CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist! 
What does it mean ?
Read this from The Brother Nathanael Foundation!
Wall Street Jews run not only the White House and Congress, but decide where 
American tax-payers’ money should go: to themselves through bail-outs or to 
their overseas investments that buttress former American factories now located 
in China and India

 Senator Lieberman, senator schumer  and the destruction of America.
These zionist Jews senators do not know what they are doing to the American 
people , to the orthodox jews and the rest of the world.

Schumer Calls for Train Station Gestapo Zones
Kurt Nimmo
May 9, 2011
New York senator Charles Schumer is calling for no ride lists for Amtrak 
to the no fly lists currently used in the nation’s airports.

“Anyone, even a member of al-Qaida could purchase a train ticket and board an 
Amtrak train without so much as a question asked,” Schumer said. “So that’s why 
I’m calling for the creation of an Amtrak no ride list. That would take the 
secure flight program and apply it to Amtrak trains.”

  How Lieberman Stole Our Freedoms
Profiles In Jewish Supremacy, Jewish Agenda Articles, Homeland Security 
Articles, Congress Articles 

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2010

NO MAN IS MORE RESPONSIBLE for bringing America into a Police State than 
Joseph Lieberman. Only one month after 9/11, Lieberman, who describes himself 
an “observant” Jew, seized upon an opportunity to oversee a Jewish police state 
whereby he could intrude upon the privacy of American citizens and share 
military and security secrets with Israel. 

While holding the chair of the “Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs,” 
Lieberman introduced on October 11, 2001, Senate Bill 1534, to establish the US 
Department of Homeland Security. 

Anticipating the bill’s certain passage, Lieberman gave himself automatic 
chairmanship after he changed the name of his committee to, “The Senate 
Committee of Homeland Security and Government Affairs.” 

Since then, Lieberman has been the main force behind legislation such as: -1- 
The USA Patriot Act -2- Protect America Act -3- National Emergency Centers 
Establishment Act -4- The Enemy Belligerent Interrogation Act -5- The Terrorist 
Expatriation Act, and the proposed -6- Protecting Cyberspace as a National 

PERSECUTING THE LIGHTA CLOSER LOOK at a few of Lieberman’s legislations reveals 
a Jewish tyranny at work: 

The Enemy Belligerent Interrogation Act: Empowers the US president and the 
military to determine if an individual poses a terrorist threat so that he can 
be arrested, detained, and interrogated indefinitely. 

Under this Bill, known as the “Patriot Act on Steroids,” suspects would lose 
their Miranda rights and Sixth Amendment Right to an Attorney and fair trial. 
View Entire Story Here & Here.
Terrorist Expatriation Act: Strips terrorism suspects of their US citizenship, 
thereby making them immediately eligible for military tribunals apart from the 
right of due process, legal arrest, and conviction.
The bill applies to all Americans who support any organization that is deemed a 
supporter of terrorism by an ally of the US. The bill gives the State 
Department, (run by Jews), the power to determine who is a terrorist and strip 
away his citizenship. View Entire Story Here & Here.
Protect America Act: Empowers the Attorney General to collect private 
international communications made by phone calls and emails.
The bill, described as the “Police America Act,” grants immunity to telephone 
companies and allows the Attorney General to issue warrants to record 
international calls without court review. View Entire Story Here.
National Emergency Centers Establishment Act: Empowers Congress to build FEMA 
camps for “dislocated citizens.” View Entire Story Here.
Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act: Empowers the President to lock 
down the Internet during a national emergency. View Entire Story Here.


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