Hey Raimon,

Try a `sudo gem update --system` first to upgrade to the latest RubyGems

// Magnus Holm

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:59, Raimon Fernandez <co...@montx.com> wrote:
> On 8jun, 2010, at 09:18 , Raimon Fernandez wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I'm trying to install Camping on my OS X but I'm getting some errors:
>> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ gem -v
>> 1.3.5
>> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ sudo gem install camping
>> WARNING:  RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:
>>       http://gems.rubyforge.org/
>> RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
>> Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org/
>> ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
>>    Error fetching remote gem cache: SocketError: getaddrinfo: nodename nor 
>> servname provided, or not known (http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml)
>> What are the minimums ?
>> I'm using in my developer machine Ruby On Rails and Ruby without any 
>> problems, with some gems.
> I want to add that I'm not behind any proxy or firewall, and that I could 
> successfully download/and install some other gems in this machine without any 
> problems, but no, no, I can't install nothing from gem.
> It seems like a time-out problem:
> I have this remote sources:
>     - http://gems.rubyforge.org/
>     - http://gems.github.com
> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$
> mmm, a ping to http://gems.rubyforge.org/ => cannot resolve 
> http://gems.rubyforge.org/: Unknown host
> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ sudo gem sources -r http://gems.rubyforge.org/
> http://gems.rubyforge.org/ removed from sources
> now I have only      - http://gems.github.com
> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ sudo gem install camping
> ERROR:  could not find gem camping locally or in a repository
> MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$
> any idea ?
> thanks,
> r.
>> thanks,
>> regards,
>> r.
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