Hi Raimon

I'm having the same problem with rubygems.org - won't even load in a browser.

In February there was a bit of a change:

Fro current status see the tweets here:

and Magnus' Temporary fix:
add " rubygems.org" to your /etc/hosts

Otherwise, get the bleeding edge version:
sudo gem install camping --source http://gems.judofyr.net/

Dave Everitt

I want to add that I'm not behind any proxy or firewall, and that I could successfully download/and install some other gems in this machine without any problems, but no, no, I can't install nothing from gem.

It seems like a time-out problem:

I have this remote sources:

     - http://gems.rubyforge.org/
     - http://gems.github.com
MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$

mmm, a ping to http://gems.rubyforge.org/ => cannot resolve http:// gems.rubyforge.org/: Unknown host

MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ sudo gem sources -r http:// gems.rubyforge.org/
http://gems.rubyforge.org/ removed from sources

now I have only      - http://gems.github.com

MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$ sudo gem install camping
ERROR:  could not find gem camping locally or in a repository
MacBook-ProII-2:~ montx$

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