
Interesting suggestion. I would definitely consider adding something like that to cap. If anyone were to write up a patch and attach it to a ticket at dev.rubyonrails.org, I'd look it over.

In the meantime, you can probably work around it by using the :hosts key, instead of roles, and then using procs to return the exact hosts you want. It's more work, and it would probably wind up duplicating some of what roles give you, but then you don't have to wait for a patch. :)

- Jamis

On Jan 11, 2008, at 3:23 PM, David Masover wrote:

Thanks, I didn't know about that.

However...  I'm looking for something more like this:

role :foo, do
task :bar, :roles => :foo

That's actually what I implemented in what I sent in, because I couldn't find it. Can "defer" work in a similar way? Because it also allows:

task :baz, roles => :foo
task :yetAnotherTask, roles => :foo
task :mixAndMatch, roles => :foo, :bar

Basically, it's not that I don't know which roles I want ahead of time. It's that I have a role that I do know about, very specifically (could be :web, :files, etc), but that I don't necessarily know which servers it will use.

On 1/11/08, Jamis Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: David,

Perhaps I'm not understanding what you're mean, but the current
version of Capistrano allows you to do things like this:

   task :foo, :roles => defer { something_that_computes_roles } do

The "defer" method is just an alias for lambda that Capistrano adds.
The block there just needs to return the name of a role (or an array
of role names). That block is then evaluated at the moment that the
task is run.

- Jamis

On Jan 11, 2008, at 1:29 PM, David Masover wrote:

> Working on a way to use Capistrano to deploy to ec2. I know about
> Capsize, but decided that I didn't want to hardcode image and instance
> IDs anywhere -- particularly as Capistrano itself will eventually be
> creating those itself.
> The first roadblock was: I can use variables-as-blocks to define
> things like the list of current instances, the latest instance, etc.
> (Variables, not functions or tasks, because I figure that information
> isn't going to change over the course of a single invocation of cap,
> unless I change it myself.)
> But I cannot define roles-as-blocks, and I want to find roles out from
> the results of ec2-describe-instances (and probably other things as
> well). So, I needed dynamic roles.
> I'm completely new to the Rails and Capistrano community, so I'm not
> sure what style conventions I should use, where to send patches, etc.
> Here's the hack I have so far:
> Capistrano::Configuration::Roles.module_eval do
>       alias_method :orig_role, :role
>       def role(which, *args, &block)
> if !block_given? && args.empty? || block_given? && ! args.empty? > raise ArgumentError, "you must specify exactly one of either a
> value or a block"
>               end
>               if block_given? then
>                       which = which.to_sym
>                       @roles[which] = block
>               else
>                       # I apologize for this one-liner
> orig_role(which, args.map{|item| String === item ?
> Capistrano::ServerDefinition.new(item) : item})
>               end
>       end
> end
> Capistrano::Configuration::Servers.module_eval do
>       alias_method :find_servers_orig, :find_servers
>       def find_servers(options={})
> hosts = server_list_from(ENV['HOSTS'] || options[:hosts])
>               if hosts.any?
>                       hosts.uniq
>               else
> roles = role_list_from(ENV['ROLES'] || options[:roles] ||
> self.roles.keys)
>                       roles.each { |role|
>                               target = self.roles [role]
>                               if target.respond_to?(:call)
> self.roles[role] = target.call.map { |server| > String === server ? ServerDefinition.new(server, {}) : server
>                                       }
>                               end
>                       }
>                       find_servers_orig(options)
>               end
>       end
> end

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